Tuesday 6 September 2011

Good films to look out for

I thought I'd share what films are coming up for the rest of the year and worth paying between £5 - 10 of your hard earned cash. If you've seen a few of the trailers at your current multiplex of local cinema, then have a pretty good idea of what to expect during these long winter months. As the days get shorter and the temperatures get colder, never has there been a better time than to cosy up in a big lounge style seat & enjoy watching a huge screen with bursting sound.

One of the main films that has gained a lot of momentum is 'Troll Hunter'. Shot as an in depth investigative documentary, follows a group in search of the mythological troll. If you've seen the trailer, you know what to expect. In some ways, know what happens throughout the film which is a great shame. Although, it has received top 5 star reviews & be persuade a few people to see it. Even though the film is essentially about Trolls, there is a more deeper meaning to it, concentrating on the people involved & who they really are. Worth a watch.

It really needed a more viral approach, maybe only revealing the group looking at weird shapes & hearing weird huge noises, much like the early trailer for 'Super 8'.

Another film that is recently out & gained momentum is the film about the so called missing mission to the moon of 'Apollo 18'. The whole concept & approach to marketing this film as 100% real, was utter genius. Taking a similar approach to 'The Blair Witch Project' & 'Paranormal Activity', the trailer shows 'actual' footage of what happened. It's up to you to decide on how good it is.

A film that appeals to much older or wiser film demographic is the recent adaptation of Jane Eyre, starring Mia Wasikowska (Alice, Alice In Wonderland), Michael Fassbender, Sally Hawkins, Jamie Bell & Judi Dench. The film itself looks really refreshing, but still maintaining the classic look similar to other film genre in that specific genre such as the 2005 version of Pride and Prejudice . Usually, I'm not a huge fan of these films but weirdly, I really would like to see how it is portrayed & received by a much fresher & younger audience that may not know a lot about the Charlotte Brontë best-seller.

Finally, a film that I have been looking forward to for a couple of weeks now. Ever since viewing the trailer on the big screen, it has enthralled me to want to watch it. I am of course talking about the most recent John le Carré's adaptation of his 1974 best-selling novel 'Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy'.

Produced by Working Title & StudioCanal, the 2011 Cold War espionage thriller has supreme heavyweight acting aplenty. It stars Gary Oldham, Colin Firth, Tom Hardy, John Hurt, Toby Jones, Mark Strong, Benedict Cumberbatch & Ciarán Hinds. A cast in many respect, has to be admired.

With the film's premiere just yesterday at the 68th Venice International Film Festival, the anticipation is huge with early British reviews being highly favourable. With all this hype, the film look like a must see this year along with only a handful of films out already.

Peace x

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